SMSC, British Values

At IGHS, our approach to Social, Moral, Spiritual, and Cultural (SMSC) development is deeply rooted in our Islamic values and mission. We aim to empower students to become the best versions of themselves by nurturing their sense of identity, self-worth, personal and moral values, aspirations, and achievements. Additionally, we emphasize the importance of spiritual growth, empathy, and understanding others through various means.

By guiding students to build a moral framework aligned with the law, which shapes their personal behavior, we help them grasp the shared and evolving values of society. Students are taught that while there may be areas of disagreement, it is essential to understand that societal values can shift over time. They are encouraged to appreciate the diversity of society, developing respect and understanding for people with different religions, beliefs, and lifestyles.

Our students strive to be active, responsible citizens, working effectively with others and contributing positively to both the school and the wider community. We promote the development of skills and personal qualities necessary for harmonious living, helping them become positive contributors to society.

At IGHS, students are prepared to function in a multicultural and multi-ethnic society, growing into tolerant, compassionate individuals.